Monday, November 30, 2009


I am a little slow with my posts these days. November 23rd we celebrated our 7th anniversary. Dinner and christmas shopping at toysrus. yeah can you believe we went to toysrus without the boys? I love you Chase!!! you are always so understanding from the holiday and being far away from family and to my crazy emotions. Thanks for being such a great Daddy. thanks for providing for us so I can be a mom, and at the end of the day coming home to rock a baby, bath a kid or help with dinner. you are beyond amazing.

now on to thanksgiving!! I am thankful for my hubby to 3 amazing and healthy kids. My parents who would go to the end of the earth fot me and my family always so giving!! for my siblings and their families. for awesome friends that just now when to call. for great neighbors always willing to help with our kids. a great friend who refused to not let us be alone for thanksgiving!! we had a good time wth your entire family.and for all the little things in life like the smell of flowers, the sun and a home to live in. hope all had a great thanksgiving!!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We blessed our sweet little angel on Sunday. She was a good girl until we tried taking pictures and then she wasnt so good. Thanks Dad for blessing her. thanks so much mom and dad for all you help. We were so glad Chases Uncle Steve, aunt Sherry and aunt Peggy could come from Nauvoo to share this special day.

Happy 4th Birthday Coen

Wow time goes by so fast. It seems not long ago we moved to Iowa and you were only 7 months old. Happy 4 birthday Coen. We Love you so much!! You with your smile and funny personality always gives us a reason to smile!! thanks buddy

Monday, October 26, 2009

Kaneesa KLynn Walker

Our little girl arrived October 20 at 6:46 A.M. She weighed 7lbs 13oz. they wouldnt let the boys come to the hospital so we were so glad to bring her home. The boys love her so much. We all answer to every sound she makes yes she is going to be spoiled.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More summer fun and back to school

Summer fun

The summer has been filled with many fun events. The boys and I spent most of our summer in GOOD OLD UTAH!! How I miss so many little things about the beautiful place. The kids had so much fun camping, playing with cousins daily, swimming lessons, parades, fire works, the derby and much much more. I loved spending so much time with my family, and loved the all the help I got with the boys.

It was much fun but a part of us was missing. Yes my Hubby and their Daddy. the day after we flew in Chase had to go to Mexico for work. We missed him so much but what a great experience that is for him.

Soon after it was time for school to start. Wow I thought it would get easier to send him off every morning. Even though we have no fighting all day between the two of them. We sure miss having him around.

Hagen is enjoying his year in first grade.

Coen is my shadow all day. I forget and run him over many times in one day. next year at this time he will be in preschool oh I hate thinking about that.

We have been cleaning cleaning cleaning, painting painting painting and me, sewing sewing sewing.

Finally a new post!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


What is better than eating snowcones baking in the sun and watching the airshow!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Today was the big day we went for our ultra sound and its a GIRL!!!! We are so excited!!!

Camping and Swimming lessons

We took the boys camping to the scott county park we had a lot of fun. Also I signed them up for swimming lessons there. The third day was great. The kids are loving it!!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Granny and Gramps came to visit. We had a great time. We went to the Moster truck show. It was so GOOD. We also went for a picnic to the Arsenal. We were so glad they could visit. But it is very hard to say good bye for me, but also for the boys it makes me sad to see how sad they were that they had to leave. GREAT MEMORIES we made and in six weeks UTAH HERE WE COME!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mothers Day!!

I finally am going to post a picture of the boys in there Easter outfits. For mothers day weekend we went out for dinner I told Chase all I wanted was to pick some new sox for myself. So Saturday after dinner I ran into TJ Max. Hagen wanted to come so we left the other two in the truck. It was great I picked out my sox and was really excited. I came back out to the truck to find these flowers on my side of the truck. I was really tickled I figured since I made a request for sox the flowers probably werent coming this year. THanks Hubby for the wonderful surpise.
Mothers day was great even though Sunday I woke up with the worst sore throat. It is Thursday and I am finally feeling a little bit better.

My little Coen

So I thought it was suppose to be terrible twos, not threes. Coen is so full of it. I just cant help but smile when he really should be in trouble. The other day I cleaned their bathroom. When I went back in I noticed in this little tub toy outside the tub had something yellow in it. I yelled for Coen and asked him if he went potty in it. With a huge smile he said no. so again I asked him again. That smile never left his face. and he finally said yes. I do have to say most of it was in the blue part. So that was the beginning of a long week. I noticed he had something in his ears. come to find he rolled 6 pieces of paper and loaded his ears up. I got 5 out but we had to go to the doc to get the other one out. It seems he has something up his sleeve everyday.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rock Island Arsenal

We took the kids to the Arsenal it was so much fun. We went to the museum. It was so neat for the kids to see.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We have some news!!

I think we have had some blog overload here. But we are excited we will be adding a new addition to our family in October. I have had two ultra sounds and this last one the baby's features were becoming so strong. The boys were excited to see the picture.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Hagens 6th birthday party

Hagen had a great little party. We had a good turn out and the weather was really nice.

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