Friday, October 31, 2008



WE had Darth Vader and Curious George!! the kids had great time trick or treating last night. One more night of costumes tonight at the trunk or treat. We went with our neighbors.

Monday, October 27, 2008


pumpkin carving

Tonight we carved pumpkins. It was a lot of fun. both the boys drew their faces with a marker and Daddy and I cut them out. Hage's loved getting all dirty. Coen Boen, was not going to touch inside there so daddy touched his hand with the stuff and he got quite mad.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Big Thank You

So Friday afternoon I was scheduled to get my wisdom teeth out, and I was completely overwhelmed. We needed to get chases boot for him and I needed to do something with the kids so Chase could drive me. and our lawned had not been mowed since Chase found out his foot was broke. One neighbor showed up to take the kids, one was here to mow the grass and dinner was taken care of. Wonderful Friends and neighbors. To all of you that lended your hand Thanks. I can not express how much we appreciated the help.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We had a great summer and fall has been fun. we hope to have a good winter also. the weather here has been wonderful. Our house is the gather house for the neighborhood. the kids love to play in our backyard.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

fall fun

We had a block party for our little neighborhood it was a lot of fun. The kids had a great time. We build sugar cubes castles, pinata, goody bags, bobbed for apples and they made door signs for their bedrooms. We have had a lot going on this week. Chase fractured his foot. and I am getting my wisdom teeth taken out. so wow what a wild few weeks we have had.

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