Friday, April 3, 2009


Six years ago today at 7:17 A.m. My Hagen was born. Weighing in at 8lbs and 8oz.
21 1/2 inches long. I tried finding a picture in the hospital but he had to be under oxygen. You looked so big next to all those six lb babies but it was my big boy who wouldnt breath on his own. You are such a strong boy. Doctors didnt think you would ever fully recover from the shoulder dystocia. You showed them wrong weeks later you were lifting your arm. You add such a happiness to our home. You are a kind and loving boy. We love you so much. Today is a special day. Happy 6th birthday


Thomas Family said...

I forgot all of your birthdays are so close together. Hagen was such a cute baby! I hope he is still liking school, I miss you guys all the time. It sounds like you have some fun things coming up, I will try and call as soon as I can.

things we love... said...

Happy, happy birthday to Hagen!!! Time flies!! He is a doll!!

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