Thursday, May 14, 2009

My little Coen

So I thought it was suppose to be terrible twos, not threes. Coen is so full of it. I just cant help but smile when he really should be in trouble. The other day I cleaned their bathroom. When I went back in I noticed in this little tub toy outside the tub had something yellow in it. I yelled for Coen and asked him if he went potty in it. With a huge smile he said no. so again I asked him again. That smile never left his face. and he finally said yes. I do have to say most of it was in the blue part. So that was the beginning of a long week. I noticed he had something in his ears. come to find he rolled 6 pieces of paper and loaded his ears up. I got 5 out but we had to go to the doc to get the other one out. It seems he has something up his sleeve everyday.

1 comment:

Jeff and Jen said...

Oh boy, it sounds like you have your hands full. 2 boys are so much fun and I am excited for more antics :)

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